lundi 30 mai 2011

May 23, Bigouden Country (2)

I found it more difficultto take the stairs down than it had been going up. I should mention that my vertigo started at the sight of Roger at the very top of the stairs, leaning over the railing to take the exact opposite of the picture I'm showing below. I really had to first close my eyes andthen turn away. I was completely unable to watc. I came back down looking at my feet almost the whole way.

For a light meal, we sit on the terrace of a small restaurant next to the lighthouse. Sandwich & soft drink & dessert, 5 €. As usual, we could have had just one. Artisan bread, thickly cut cheese,country ham. For dessert, I had a crepe, salted butter caramel.

A very few tourists. In front of us this really pretty thing.

As we're going back, suddenly a tiny sign: XIIIth century church. As Roger takes pictures, I go down a very small road, Rue de la Fontaine (Fountain Street). The air is heavy with flowery smells. I can't find a fountain but it's old and beautiful and charming. A church bell rang the hour, one peel.

YouTube Video

Roger sort perplexe du petit cimetière avoisinant l'église : il n'y a là que de nouvelles tombes.

Short break in the afternoon, waiting for Yann B. who will lead us to scenic spots he knows. Then meeting with Richard, a friend of Françoise, who's going to bring us to the fishermen's day catch sale, for a scampi dinner back at Vent solaire.

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